
Greeting, Welcome to the voice search business world. My name is Vincent Zheng, the founder of the Voice2Shop business startup. I have been studying AI voice search technology for quite a while, especially on the Amazon Alexa voice search platform. I hold 2 certificates from Amazon and 1 from Google. As I research further about the future small business technology landscape, I believe they will have to adopt the voice apps that Amazon or Google platform develop, because most of their customers are using these voice search devices and smart speakers to find nearby business information. So it is in their best interest to develop voice search capable business to compete with the future voice commerce battle.

My first goal is to develop a digital system on the cloud process to help those local businesses get found by the voice search technology. If the business progress well, our vision is to develop a voice system that enables those businesses to make a voice app for their customers to use and interact with their businesses for daily activities such as query business information and order stuff from them. The past is the mobile app age, but the voice app age for business is coming sooner than you think!

Voice Search Certificates